Sunday, January 9, 2011

Monday 10 January Anthem / benchmark

In class we are working on the questions from the first chapter of Anthem. There is a copy on the previous blog, if you have lost yours.
For the next two days- Tuesday and Wednesday- you have a benchmark test. We'll review this material in class today.

As I am proctoring and grading the ELA exam for the 11th graders these two days, there will be a substitute. However, I am in the building and will check in.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Wed January 5- Anthem prep

Your value essays are due at the end of class.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Tuesday January 4, 2011 reflective essay Anthem

In class we are considering value systems as a seque into the novel Anthem by Ayn Rand. Below is a copy if the handout. Please write in your Anthem notebook.

Reflective essay. Please respond in your Anthem notebook.
The transition from adolescence to adulthood involves developing a personal identity, a sense of self. In a reflection of approximately 250 words- three pages of your notebook- consider your goals, your friendships, music, movies and whatever else you feel is reflective of your value system. Be specific.

Wednesday January 5, 2011 Anthem

In class, you are receiving a separate notebook for the all the material covered in the novel Anthem by Ayn Rand.

On the first page is stapled some terms and their explanations with which you will need to become familiar.

We are reading chapter 1 as a class today and tomorrow.

Below is a copy of the questions for which you will be responsible. These questions must be answered in your notebook. Please use complete sentences.

Detailed Chapter Questions
Chapter I
In a well-organized paragraph, describe the society in which Anthem is set. Some areas to consider are the political structure, degree of technology, social relationships, quality of life, and education.

1.Would you want to live in this society? Explain why or why not.

2.In this chapter, Equality states that it is very unusual for men to reach the age of 45. Offer several possible explanations as to why life expectancy is so short in his society.

Copy and complete the following chart, and continue to add to your entries as you read each chapter. (The first entry is partially completed, as an example.)

(A)Term and Definition Examples from Anthem (B)Try to find several examples per term)
(C)Why is this character or act condemned in Anthem?

1A Transgression: the breaking of a law or oath.
1B Transgression of Preference: Equality chooses International 4-8818 as his friend (p. 27).
They are taught that the individual is nothing, mankind is everything, and that everyone must be treated with absolute equality. To choose a friend is to single out, and elevate, one man from the group. Also, choosing a friend requires individual thought, personal choices, and value judgments, all of which are forbidden. They are expected to be mindless, and thus selfless.

2A Sin 2B 2C
3.A Curse 3B 3C

4A Crime 4B 4C
5A Evil 5B 5C
6A Damned 6B 6C

3. Clearly, Ayn Rand intended Equality to stand out from his “brothers.” Explain how she accomplishes this by contrasting Equality’s physical qualities and character traits to those of his fellow men.

4. Why does the Council of Vocations assign Equality 7-2521 the job of street sweeper? Is it due to error, incompetence, or a more sinister motivation? Explain.

5. When does this novel take place—in the past, the present, or the future? How do you know?

6. How would your teachers react if you had Equality’s “curse”?

7. Why do Equality’s teachers disapprove of his quick mind?

8. At this point in the novel, does Equality accept the moral teachings of his society? If so, why doesn’t he feel shame or remorse when he knows that he’s committing a crime? Find textual evidence to support your answer.

9. Would you want to be friends with someone like Equality 7-2521? Why or why not?

Monday, December 27, 2010

Monday January 3, 2010 photos and introduction to Anthem

We are beginning the novel Anthem by Ayn Rand. This is a philosphical novel, that is a novel about ideas. We will employ the ideas for discussion purposes and a significant amount of writing. Each of you will submit a final essay that will be sent into the contest that accompanies this book.

As we did not take the planned vocabulary quiz on the Friday before the break, we will have the quiz tomorrow, Tuesday 4 January. If you have misplaced your words, there is a copy below:

1. compulsory- (adjective)- obligatory, necessary

2. bromide- (noun)- a common remark or idea

3. blatant- (adjective)- unpleasantly loud or noisy

4. collectivism- (noun)- a principle of government based upon that everything is owned by the state or the people.

5. serfdom- (noun)- An agricultural laborer under various similar systems; a person in bondage or servitude

6. assertion- (noun)- something declared or stated positively, often with no support or attempt at proof.

7. transgression-(noun)- A violation of a law, command, or duty

8. vocation-(noun)- a specified occupation, profession, or trade

9. mandate- (noun)- An authoritative command or instruction, an order

10. sieve-(noun)- A utensil of wire mesh or closely perforated metal, used for straining or sifting.
11. fraternity-(noun)- A group of people joined by similar backgrounds, occupations, interests, or tastes.

12. solidarity- (noun)- A union of interests, purposes, or sympathies among members of a group; fellowship of responsibilities and interests

Monday, November 15, 2010

Monday November 15, 2010 vocab Rite of Passage

You are beginning a new unit. The novel is Richard Wright's Rite of Passage.

Please find below the vocabulary you are responsible for this week. There will be a test on Friday.

Note that the ten sentences at the bottom are homework due tomorrow: Tuesday November 16.

Rite of Passage vocabulary Test Friday
1. elation (noun) - great joy
2. garish (adjective)- showy, flashy, meant to attract
3. vestibule (noun)- foyer, waiting room
4. vacant (adjective)- unoccupied, empty
5. estrangement (noun)- separation
6. adulation (noun)- high praise, worship
7. zoot-suit (noun)- baggy man’s suit that was popular in the 1940’s.
8. austerity (noun)- having only the minimal amount.
9. to alienate- (verb)- to exclude
10. vintage- (adjective)- classic, something that has survived the test of time.
Using the words above, complete the following sentences as practice. Use the correct verb tense. Tear of the bottom part. Due Tuesday 16 November
1. When heading out to the Cotton Club to hear some smooth jazz, Jimmy would put on his ______________________________.
2. Unfortunately, she and her sister were ________________________ and had not spoken in many years.
3. On VJ day, that is Victory Japan, the city of New York was filled with people hugging and dancing with _____________________________.
4. The clothing one wears to an interview should be modest, not _______________________, in order to exude professionalism.
5. People would gather to hear his wise words and listen in ____________________________.
6. __________________________ buildings should be torn down to build parks and new housing.
7. Some people prefer to shop at stores that sell _____________________________clothing, as they like the styles that have stood the test of time.
8. The congregation was asked to leave their umbrellas in the ________________________, rather than bringing them inside the church.
9. An _________________________ budget was put in place, and services were cut, as there was not enough money in the budget.
10. Because of his rude and disruptive behavior, he found himself ______________________ from his friends.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Wednesday November 10: Odyssey

Last night you were to have read the chapters The Pig Woman and Alive Among the Dead

There is no school tomorrow. By Friday, you should have finished the book. Over the weekend there is a take home final assessment on Homer's The Odyssey. This is due on Monday. I will post a copy of the test tomorrow. Write out the reponses on a separate sheet of paper, if you are absent and do not have the copy handed out in class on Friday.