Monday, December 27, 2010

Monday January 3, 2010 photos and introduction to Anthem

We are beginning the novel Anthem by Ayn Rand. This is a philosphical novel, that is a novel about ideas. We will employ the ideas for discussion purposes and a significant amount of writing. Each of you will submit a final essay that will be sent into the contest that accompanies this book.

As we did not take the planned vocabulary quiz on the Friday before the break, we will have the quiz tomorrow, Tuesday 4 January. If you have misplaced your words, there is a copy below:

1. compulsory- (adjective)- obligatory, necessary

2. bromide- (noun)- a common remark or idea

3. blatant- (adjective)- unpleasantly loud or noisy

4. collectivism- (noun)- a principle of government based upon that everything is owned by the state or the people.

5. serfdom- (noun)- An agricultural laborer under various similar systems; a person in bondage or servitude

6. assertion- (noun)- something declared or stated positively, often with no support or attempt at proof.

7. transgression-(noun)- A violation of a law, command, or duty

8. vocation-(noun)- a specified occupation, profession, or trade

9. mandate- (noun)- An authoritative command or instruction, an order

10. sieve-(noun)- A utensil of wire mesh or closely perforated metal, used for straining or sifting.
11. fraternity-(noun)- A group of people joined by similar backgrounds, occupations, interests, or tastes.

12. solidarity- (noun)- A union of interests, purposes, or sympathies among members of a group; fellowship of responsibilities and interests