Monday, November 8, 2010

Monday November 8, 2010 Odyssey

Your weekend homework was to read the first two chapters of The Odyssey by Homer: Yearning for Home and The Sea God's One-Eyed Son. Although we are reading the story in prose form, The Odyssey, like The Iliad, was an epic poem. As said in class, an epic poem is a long and highly stylized narrative poem celebrating the heroic achievements of its hero. A narrative tells a story. An epic poem also shows the values of a culture.

For Tuesday: read chapters 3 and 4: The Brass Island and The Bag of the Winds and The Pig Woman.
Below is a copy of this week's vocabulary. There will be a test on Friday.

Vocabulary 2 The Iliad and The Odyssey by Homer
1. To eliminate (verb)- to remove or get rid of
2. vengeful (adjective)- spiteful; wanting revenge
3. impervious (adjective)- incapable of being influenced, persuaded, or affected
4. ransom (noun)- the redemption of a prisoner, slave, or kidnapped person, of captured goods, etc., for a price.

5. astonished (adjective)- sudden and overpowering surprise or wonder; amaze:
6. to retrieve (verb)- to recover or regain
7. awestruck (adjective)- filled with overwhelming fear
8. to pillage (verb)- to rob with open violence
9. alliance (noun)- a formal agreement or treaty between two or more nations to cooperate for specific purposes.

10. retribution (noun)- requital according to merits or deserts, esp. for evil

11. Paris – the son of King Priam; he was living as a shepherd when he had to choose who was the most beautiful goddess. His choices were Athena (goddess of wisdom) Hera (Zeus’ wife and goddess of the home)and Aphrodite (goddess of love).

12. Homer- the author who wrote down the oral stories of the Trojan War, which became The Iliad and The Odyssey.

13. Helen- “the face that launched a thousand ships’; married to Menelaus, but taken by Paris to Troy.

14. King Agamemnon- Menelaus’ brother. He organizes the Greek forces to capture Troy.

15. Achilles- Greek warrior who killed Hector, King Priam’s son, and then desecrated his body. He is immortal, except on the back of his heel. This is where his mother Thetis dipped him into the River Styx.

16. Trojans- people from Troy.

17. Ajax- Greek warrior

18. Odysseus- Greek warrior known for his cleverness. He comes up with the ruse of the Trojan horse.

19. Cassandra- King Priam’s daughter. She can read the future, but no one will believe her.

20. Laocoon- Trojan priest, who warns King Priam not to bring the Trojan horse inside the city. A sea serpent is sent by Poseidon, god of the seas, to destroy him.

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